A foundation built for scale & foresight
Perform complex behavioral analysis and get answers in seconds with automated insights, enterprise security, and 99.99% uptime.
{primary} Stackpile makes it easy to install Mixpanel on your website and start sending data to all your integrations with a simple unified API.
Install Mixpanel
{primary} Important
If you already have the Mixpanel snippet installed on your site, please remove it.
Once the Stackpile snippet has been installed on your website, add Mixpanel to your stack in the Stackpile Dashboard, add your Mixpanel Token (see Settings on how to obtain this) and click on Install Mixpanel.
The Stackpile - Mixpanel integration will then start analyzing your website traffic and events in real-time!
Mixpanel Token
You will find your Mixpanel Token on your Mixpanel Dashboard. Click on the currently logged-in Username (upper right) and select Project Settings > Management.
It is a 32 character hexadecimal number, e.g. 132466f547364cc2763b54553bfe4f17